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Tell us some things about yourself

My name is Hector Ekeocha. I am the Risk Management & Compliance Manager for Asharami Synergy. I have been with Sahara for close to three years (33 months). My Accounting background took me to a long journey spanning through Internal Controls, Audit, Financial Accounting and Risk Management. Lending a helping hand to others always makes me happy, so volunteering becomes my major interest. Coaching, reading, writing and sports make up my other interest areas.

What’s your motivation for volunteering?

I have seen where little effort brought about massive change in situations and in the lives of people.  My major motivation is ensuring I contribute that little that can help bring about positive change in people’s lives. Volunteering provides an easy platform for me to do that.

Describe your volunteering experience in October with the Ijora Green Life Activation?

The green life activation provided an opportunity for me to contribute that little quota.  I was happy when members of the community especially youths joined us in picking and separating waste into recyclable and non-recyclable waste. My joy however knows no bounds when market women and other members of the community exhibited understanding of the concept and signed up to be part of the green life initiatives.

What contribution or achievement are you most proud?

I’m proud of what we have achieved so far with the Ijora Community. We demonstrated focus and consistency. The team was awesome.

What other organizations or causes do you support or volunteer for?

I support Grace Eniekebi Foundation as a sponsor and Volunteer as well. The foundation caters for the education of indigent children in Lagos slums as well as the elderly. I was involved in the last “Easter Bunny Fun Time out with the children” in Ajegunle.      

Do you know about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? If yes, what do you think of them?

Yes, I know about the 17 goals (SDGs) set by member countries of the UN.  For me it is a bold effort by the word to ensure that our generation survives but not at the expense of the future generations. If countries and organisations cooperate as espoused in goal 17, then achievement of the goals can be possible, although 2030 target may be a tall dream.

What message would you like to share with others about volunteering?

There is a kind of joy and fulfillment I experience when I contribute to solving a problem and helping others. I encourage every Saharian to seize any available opportunity to offer volunteering services.


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